The Memories Project

A 4-week program to capture your parents' life stories in a way that’s doable and enjoyable for everyone

Tuesdays 6/6/23 - 6/27/23 (5-6:15pm PDT) via zoom.

Would you love a step-by-step approach to capturing your parents’ stories and preserving them for your children and grandchildren?

Is this you…?

  • Your mom’s health is declining and you imagine her stories slipping away.

  • Last Father’s Day, you gave your dad a memory story app, but he hasn’t touched it.

  • For one reason or another, your parents don’t feel appreciated.

  • Four out of five calls with your parents are either tough or boring, and you’d like a simple way to connect with them that’s positive and, better yet, meaningful.

You’re not alone. I see this all the time. And there's a good chance you've already thought about trying to create some kind of record of your parents' life stories.

But for one reason or another, you haven't started – or you started but gave up.

The 3 mistakes I see adult children make are:


They assume their parents don’t really want to talk about their past. 


They’ve wanted to record their parents’ stories for a long time, but waited until it was too late.


They think there’s no way they could capture their parents’ stories on their own. And they wouldn’t even know where to begin.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again, even with the ones who at first are hesitant or think that they don’t have much to say. Every parent I’ve taken through this process has opened up and has had so much fun sharing their life’s stories!

Make a Plan

Choose a method that will be easy and enjoyable for both you and your parents. It’s not just getting it done, it’s how you do it. The experience is everything.

There are two keys to successfully doing this on your own:

Question Strategy

And when you finally master these secrets, you’ll be on your way to having a special experience with your parents while creating a keepsake for your children.

Know the right questions and how to ask them to get to the real nuggets of the stories.


  • The huge sense of relief you’ll have knowing your parents’ stories are preserved

  • Being the one to make your parents feel seen and heard 

  • Calling your parents with a gameplan, instead of the same lovely, but mundane, chit chat

  • Having the know-how to capture your parents’ stories  with a timeline that has a start date and end-date!


The Memories Project

A 4-week program to capture your parents' life stories in a way that’s doable and enjoyable for everyone

In this 4-week program, you’ll discover…

  • How to break down the process (structure, timeline and format) so that it’s manageable

  • How to plan, start and finish the project

  • How to sift through the many life experiences to get to the nuggets

  • Which modality is best for you and your parents so that you can make this happen!

"This experience was invaluable. It reminded my mother that she has an important story to tell. We had some really meaningful, deep conversations along the way, which brought a new dimension to our relationship."

- L.M. 

Here’s What You Get

  • 4 Group Coaching Sessions

    These sessions are done via zoom, so you can tune in from anywhere. This is where we’ll dive in deep on the material, have discussions and time to work. You’ll learn what questions to ask and how to ask them. Every session will end with open Q&A, so you can get my direct answers to your specific

  • Access to our Exclusive Facebook Group

    Here we’ll learn from each other's questions, successes and even missteps as they come up between our sessions.

  • 30-minute 1:1 call

    We’ll gauge where you’re at in the process, work through challenges and make a plan to finish the project.

How about some Bonuses?

I really want this to be a success for you, so I’m also throwing in…

Bonus #1: The Memories Project Planner

You’re busy and your time is precious. This is a step-by-step e-workbook will help you keep track of what supplies you’ll need, dates, action steps and tasks as well as reflections.

Bonus #2: Family Love Letters Collection Toolkit 

Love and appreciation in a bundle of letters! This ebook will provide all the steps to invite, gather and present a box of letters for a special person on his or her special day.

“There’s no price tag that could ever compare to the value that we’ve gotten from this experience. Our mom’s story has been preserved forever.”

— Benita S.

If I did this project directly with your parents, you would have to buy this service from me, which costs over $2,000.

The value of the private call with me, along with the bonuses,  are worth more than the cost of this program...

But I really wanted to get this into the hands of as many adult children as possible. It’s my mission to help people preserve their stories for future generations.  

What would having this experience with your parents be worth to you? 

What would having this keepsake for your children and grandchildren be worth to you?

The Memories Project can be yours for just $425.

But if you join before May 23, you can save an extra $50. Get the Early Bird Discount now and join for just $375.

Your investment in The Memories project is $425

Choose your payment option below to get started.

Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 5-6:15pm PDT via zoom.

“Aviva's structure made it so there was a beginning, a middle and an end. She asked really good questions and offered invaluable scaffolding. Don’t think  I could have done this without her”

— LS

How the Memory Project started

Before he passed away, my father had written a lengthy, heartfelt letter to me and my siblings.

It’s the reason I started Family Love Letters! I really wanted to preserve my mother’s stories, but I had some


  • Could we handle long conversations? 

  • What if one or both of us got emotional or impatient? 

  • What if she just couldn’t remember stuff?

When the Covid pandemic hit in March 2020, it was easy to see that time with our closest people was a gift that could easily be taken away.  That May, I set to work with my mother on her memory project. 

It was such a treat! 

When I asked her about her dance performances, I swear I saw her smile through the telephone. When she described her time at camp, she was transported there and sounded light and youthful. When I asked her about life with my father, yes, she got tearful but was genuinely happy to talk about the person she loved and lost. 

We both savored those conversations more than we knew we would. And I’m relieved to know that I have her stories in my keepsake box, ready to share with my kids when the time is right.

Questions about The Memory Project? 

  • Great question. The truth is, the results you get out of the program depend on how much you’re willing to commit.

    But the good news is, during those four weeks you have me with you every step of the way, giving you guidance, cheering you on and helping you troubleshoot any new problems that crop up along the way.

    And most people are pleasantly surprised to discover how much their parents enjoy this process, and both parties end up looking forward to it!

  • Cost can be a major consideration. So ask yourself - is it that you genuinely don’t have the money? Or is it that you have the money (or ability to get the money) but you think you’ll need to spend it on other things?

    The truth is that if capturing your parents’ stories is what you truly want - then how can you afford NOT to go after it with all you’ve got PLUS with the guidance, support and tools that I can provide?

  • Glad you asked. The Memory Project is a 4-week program. During our time together, we go through the steps for capturing our parents’ stories, along with the obstacles you may confront. You get actionable steps and homework to keep you moving forward on the project.

    You also get access to a private Facebook Group as well as a 30-minute 1:1 call with me. So you will have support even in between our scheduled sessions.

  • Luckily, this program doesn’t involve a huge time commitment. We’ll meet four times in June over Zoom.

    Outside of our calls, I’ll be giving you some homework, but it’s meant to be in bite sizes while also keeping up the momentum.

  • You gave them this gift, but the likelihood is that a) your parents didn't believe that anyone would care about their stories or b) it felt like an obligation rather than something enjoyable. With this program, we’re going to change that scenario from the get-go.

  • I’d love to answer them! Let’s get on the phone! Simply click here to schedule a free call with me and I’ll answer any and all questions you have.

    I want you to feel comfortable about your decision to join The Memory Project, so don’t be shy - let’s talk!

What people are saying


“I had wanted to do something like this for a while, but didn’t have a way to start or structure it.  Family Love Letters provided the framework, the questions, the conversations and the support.”

— Sheila S.

You did an incredible job of capturing who I am and who we are as a family. I went in thinking this would be a gift for my children. It’s turned out to be a gift for me, as I’ll treasure forever.
— Gail L.


“Without you, I would have focused on my past projects

and accomplishments and would have steered away from

the depth. You kept me on course and recognized my

inner self. The depth of feeling I have just listening to

you reading my letter to me is unbelievable.”

— Ed S.

To be honest, the process of having written it might be even more meaningful than having the document itself. Since then, I am much more deliberate about the choices I make with my time and resources. It has, in no small way, changed my life.
— Sara K.