Dear Doug

Dear Doug,

I wish I had written this letter before you died. 

You weren't just my college boyfriend. You were my first boyfriend and my first love. 

Samantha gave you my number, but you took your time calling. For our first date, you invited me to a picnic lunch. We met at a bench on campus and ate sandwiches that you made. And that was that. You ended my thing for Irish Catholic boys.

I told myself that I should remember the butterflies, because they don't last long. Not that I had any experience to base that on. But I was right. We quickly got into a groove.

Phish, hanging with friends, keeping warm in VT while eating Ben & Jerry's, not caring if we left parties early. Remember housesitting for the professor? We played house with the sad truth that graduation and breaking up was just around the corner.

Doug, you were the nicest first boyfriend. I have a lot of love for you. In addition to your corny, but clever puns, you were the sweetest, most decent human being. The world lost a really good one. 




I wasn’t really there for her


Moving is HUGE